of Age 3
Beginning End
of Age 4
Able End
of Age 5 Confident She enjoys listening, speaking to
different types of people she comes across. (parents,
friends, uncles etc..) She can say the sounds clearly and have
an interest in books. She likes listening to stories, rhymes
and poems and asks questions about them. She can describe how a character in a
story feels after sharing a story with you. She can use words such as if, then,
afterwards to organise, sequence and clarify events and thinking. She can listen to your talk for some
time without getting distracted. She can talk to other children, parents
etc and take turns in conversation. She can increase her vocabulary by
finding patterns in language.
Eg adding ‘ed’ sound to 'go' to mean the past (goed). She can retell one of her experiences (going
shopping) in the correct sequence, using the
language patterns of stories; She can speak clearly and audibly with
confidence and uses greetings such as, 'please' and 'thank you'; She can hear and say initial and final
sounds in words. Cat
begins with a ‘ka’ sound and ends with ‘te’ sound She can link sounds to letters, naming
and sounding the letters of the alphabet; She can read a range of familiar and
common words, (usually
three letter ones) and simple sentences independently; She knows that writing carries meaning
and, in English, it is read from left to right and top to bottom; She understands stories and describes
main character, sequence of events, and openings. She can recognise the differences
between shopping lists, simple instructions, poems, stories etc.
(types of writing) She can write her name, address, and
telephone number. She can spell words even if they are
(eg kat for cat) She can use a pencil and hold it
effectively and write letters neatly
Check list for parents:
English- Ages 3-5