Check list for parents:  English- Ages 8-9

End of Age 8  Able

End of Age 9 Confident

She can communicate confidently to different people in different situations



She can pick out the main points while talking to someone(This requires she listens actively)



She can ask questions to clarify her understanding while listening.



She is aware that the ‘standard English’ should be used in her writing.



She can form an opinion and express preferences.



She can read different types of writing clearly, accurately and fluently.  Eg letters, lists, information, instruction etc..



She can read independently.



She can use a dictionary to look up words.



She can write clearly. (neatly using same size letters)



She can use joining words to add sentences together.  And, then, but, etc..



She can write grammatically correct sentences.



She can write in ‘joined letters’.  



She uses full stops, capital letters, question marks correctly in writing.