Check list for parents:  Maths- Ages 6-7

End of Age 6  Able

End of Age 7 Confident

Your child can talk about and explain why he thinks his answer is correct when he does a maths related activity.  (Talking about a problem helps them to think clearly)



He can count groups of objects reliably without making mistake.



He can recall and say quickly addition of numbers up to ten (eg 6 add 4 is 10, 7 add 6 is 13).  Initially he can use fingers to help him count but then he should move away from using fingers and use memory alone.



He can recall and say subtraction of numbers up to ten.  ( eg 7 take away 2 is 5) Again ideally this has to be from memory.



He begins to understand the position and size of the digits in written numbers. (place value). He can order numbers from small to big up to 100 using place value. Place value is an important topic and many children find it difficult to grasp.  Written maths system is built on place value.



He knows to choose between addition (+) and subtraction (-) in a mental maths problem



He knows that subtraction is the opposite of addition, through his daily experience. 



He can add subtract money in round figures.  (pounds, rupees, dollars etc without cents/ pennies) Talk about it as well



He can add and subtract weights (kilo grams) and volumes (litres).  



He can recognise sequences of numbers and predict what number will come afterwards. 1,3,5,7,9… 2,4,6,8, .



He knows the odd and even numbers up to 20.                                      odd numbers 1,3,5,7...   even numbers 2,4,6,8...       



He knows the names of common 2D and 3D shapes.  Triangle, squares, rectangle, circle, cube, cylinder etc



He can describe and talk about the above shapes.  He can tell how many faces, edges, corners they have.



He can relate to angle as a measure of turning from a straight path. 



He can spot right angles in shapes. 



He is beginning to use centimeters and meters as well as miles to measure distance.



He can find patterns in objects and group them accordingly.  (Eg He can group a list of animals into two groups such as animals that can run fast and those that can’t;  Classifying things into categories is an important maths skill)



He can record the information in simple lists and tables. 



He can draw block graphs to communicate the information.