Check list for parents:  Maths- Ages 8-9

End of Age 8   Able

End of Age 9 Confident

Your child can approach and solve a problem in different ways.  He checks his results and can talk about how he arrived at it.  (Example an addition problem can be done by counting in different ways. counting in fives, twos etc)    



He can understand and interpret symbols (eg + - =) and simple graphs



He can make approximations and rounding up to 1000.  He understands place value up to 1000. (Sometimes children do maths and get questions right but don't understand why the answer is correct.  Understanding of place value is important)



He can use decimal notation to represent money (£10.50)



He begins to understand negative numbers through temperature scale.    (–5 degree C in winter, children in hot countries can relate to fridge)



He knows by heart two numbers that make up 20 when added together.  12+8=20; 13+7=20 etc.. 



He knows different ways (mental, pencil and paper) of adding, subtracting two digit numbers. (There are many ways of adding numbers and children would prefer their own methods)



He can add, subtract three digit numbers using written methods. (borrowing from the neighboring number)



He memories 2,3,4,5,10 multiplication table and uses it.



He can recognise simple equivalent fractions. 2/4 is the same as 4/8



He can group 2D, 3D shapes using their properties such as faces, corners, symmetry etc.



He can use metres, centimetres, kilo metres, millilitres, litres, grams, kilo grams, seconds, minutes, hours, days etc. in calculations



He can draw and do questions on bar charts, pictograms (pictograms use pictures to count)